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Audience Participation Storytime

Page history last edited by Virginia Tebo 14 years, 2 months ago

Audience Participation Storytime

(all of these books can be read with some form of interaction from your audience)




Participants fill in the rhyming word:

Baby Danced the Polka by Karen Beaumont (Can be sung to the tune of the Lady with the Alligator Purse) 

Is Your Mama a Llama? by Deborah Guarino

Guess Again by Mac Barnett

I Ain't Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont

Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas


Animal Sounds (to repeat or fill in):

Bark, George by Jules Feiffer 

Cock-a-doodle Quack Quack by Ivor Baddiel

The Cow Who Clucked by Denise Fleming

Bob by Tracey Campbell Pearson

Mommies Say Shhh by Patricia Polacco

Roar and More by Karla Kuskin

Crunch Munch by Jonathan London (Kids repeat animal eating sounds)



Bounce, Wiggle, Stretch by Doreen Cronin 

Can You Make a Scary Face? by Jan Thomas 

Chicken Little by Ed Emberley (Clap and say 'Bonk' when she bumps into people, wave arms and say "The sky is falling", stomp feet for run for your lives. Afterward play the Chicken Dance song while you hit blue balloons into 

the air to "keep the sky from falling".) 

From Head to Toe by Eric Carle 

Benny Bakes a Cake by Eve Rice (Ask kids to make motions as you read the book: sifts, stirs, shake finger for ‘make sure Ralph is good’, put cake in oven, pours, scrapes, etc.)



Cha Cha Chimps by Julia Durango 

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin (you say "Chicka Chicka", they say "Boom Boom!") 

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems (yell "No!" to the pigeon's questions)

Chickens to the Rescue by John Himmelman (put fist in the air and yell "Chickens to the Rescue!")

I Know an Old Monster by Ed Emberley

Monkey and Me by Emily Gravett

Who Hoots? by Katie Davis (Get the kids' help by having them shout "Yes they do!" when you say something wrong)

Dinosaur vs. Bedtime by Bob Shea 

Animal Boogie by Debbie Harter (See the YouTube video below for the tune to sing it to)

What Will Fat Cat Sit On? by Jan Thomas (Yell "No!" to the questions)

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Christelow

The Seals on the Bus by Lenny Hort

Old Black Fly by Jim Aylesworth (Ask kids to wave arms and repeat “Shoo Fly, Shoo Fly, Shooo” with you)


YouTube plugin error  






Old MacDonald Had a Farm 


Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed


At the Hop (Danny and the Juniors; Ultimate Rock & Roll Collection: The 50's) Encourage kids to hop and dance around the room!


It’s A Simple Dance to Do

(From The Bilingual Book of Rhymes, Songs, and Fingerplays by Pam Schiller, et. al.)

Come on and do a dance with me, it’s just a little step or two.

I’ll teach you how. We’ll start right now.

It’s a simple dance to do.

First you clap your hands, then you stomp your feet

It’s a simple dance to do.


Wait! I forgot to tell you! There’s another little step or two.

Turn around, And touch your toes.

Put it together! 

Clap your hands, stomp your feet

Turn around, and touch your toes

It’s a simple dance to do!


Wait! I forgot to tell you! There’s another little step or two.

Pull your ears, and flap your arms

It’s a simple dance to do!

Clap your hands, and stomp your feet.

Turn around, and touch your toes.

Pull your ears, and flap your arms

It’s a simple dance to do!


Wait! I forgot to tell you

There’s another step and then we’re through.

Stretch up high, all fall down.


Clap your hands, stomp your feet

Turn around, and touch your toes

Pull your ears, and flap your arms

Now stretch up high, and all fall down.

It’s a simple dance to do!




Cooperative Pictures

Give each child a plain piece of paper and ask them to write their name at the top (or have a parent do it). Have a variety of stickers or pictures cut from magazines available. Let them draw a picture of themselves and glue on one picture or item, then pass the paper to the person sitting next to them. Keep passing around the table until everyone has their original picture. When they are done, ask what it looks like or what they are doing in the picture. Does it remind them of a zoo? A garden? Are they playing at the beach? Let them make up a story about the picture. (Keep in mind, the type of pictures or materials you put out will play a large part in determining what their picture looks like in the end.) They can also draw additional details if they like.


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