

Page history last edited by Virginia Tebo 15 years, 5 months ago





Color Zoo by Lois Elhert

From Head to Toe by Eric Carle

Curious George Visits the Zoo by H.A. Rey

Starry Safari by Linda Ashman

Animal Strike at the Zoo by Karma Wilson

Wild About Books by Judy Sierra  


Books for baby and toddler storytime:

Maurice the Hippo by Clare and Maarten Bos (Board)

Color Zoo by Lois Elhert

From Head to Toe by Eric Carle

Two at the Zoo by Danna Smith

Monkey and Me by Emily Gravett

Look Who's Talking at the Zoo by Danny Tepper

Zoo Parade by Harriet Zeifert 

At the Zoo (Board)





Going to the Zoo (Raffi; Singable Songs for the Very Young #13)

Mr. Chimpanzee (Laurie Berkner; Under a Shady Tree #3)

Wimoweh (Laurie Berkner; Whaddaya Think of That? #12)


Hippo Hop Hokey Pokey

You put your clean foot in

You take your dirty foot out

You put your clean foot in

and you squish all about

You do the Hippo Hop and you hop down in the Mud

(pretend to squat in the mud)

That's how a Hippo cools off!


Other Verses...



Right foot

Left foot



The Animals at the Zoo

(Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

The lions at the zoo go roar, roar, roar.

Roar, roar, roar. 

Roar, roar, roar.

The lions at the zoo go roar, roar, roar,

All day long!


Additional verses...

snakes... hiss




If You Want to be a Zoo Animal

(Tune: If You’re Happy And You Know It)

If you want to be a monkey, jump up high!

If you want to be a monkey, jump up high!

If you want to be a monkey,

if you want to be a monkey,

If you want to be a monkey, jump up high!


Parrot — flap your wings

Elephant — swing your trunk

Lion — roar out loud

Giraffe — stand up tall


Here Comes the Elephant

Here comes the elephant,

He moves so slow.

He swings his long trunk,

To and fro.

He is SO big,

He can’t even jump.

He sits down with a



Mister Rattlesnake

(Use shakers to accompany this rhyme)

I wish that I could rattle and shake,

Just like Mister Rattlesnake.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

And shake, shake, shake

Just like Mister Rattlesnake!


Simon Says

Zoo Commands:

• Simon says make a trunk with your arm

• Simon says jump like a kangaroo

• Simon says roar like a lion

• Simon says make a crocodile mouth

• Simon says stand on one leg like a flamingo

• Simon says slither like a snake

• Simon says flap your wings like an owl


Non-Simon-Says command – Say “Do this” and wiggle fingers or nod head. If they do it, remind them that you didn’t say Simon Says!





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