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Storytime Openings and Closings

Page history last edited by Virginia Tebo 15 years, 2 months ago




Sing a welcome song or say a rhyme each time - see below for examples

Ring a "Storytime bell", bang a drum, or use some other sound to signal the start of storytime

Clap your hands

Flash the lights

Use a special puppet that announces storytime and welcomes the children




Opening Songs and Rhymes: 

The More We Get Together

The more we get together

together, together,

The more we get together

the happier we’ll be!

'Cause your friends

are my friends

And my friends

are your friends.

The more we get together

the happier we’ll be!


See a video of the signs for this song:

(There are some extra verses as well, if you'd like a longer opening song)

  YouTube plugin error



If You Want to Hear a Story

Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”

If you want to hear a story, clap your hands!

If you want to hear a story, clap your hands!

If you want to hear a story,

if you want to hear a story,

if you want to hear a story, clap your hands!


Other verses:

“nod your head,”

“rub your tummy,”

“sit so still,” etc.


Hands Go Up

Tune: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Hands go up and hands go down,

I can turn around and round.

I can jump upon two shoes.

I can listen; so can you.

I can sit.

I’ll show you how.

Storytime is starting now.


I'm Glad That You Are Here

I’m glad that you are here my friends,

Here my friends,

Here my friends!

I’m glad that you are here my friends,

How are you?


Welcome, Everyone

Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Welcome, welcome,


Now you’re here

We’ll have some fun.

First we’ll clap our

hands just so.

Then we’ll bend

And touch our toe.

Welcome, welcome,


Now you’re here,

We’ll have some fun.



If you know all of the children's names, these songs work well:


We’ll Clap for You


Hello, __________

How are you?

Stand right up


And we’ll clap for you.


We’re so Glad to See You

Tune: Frere Jacques

Where is ____________?

Where is ____________?

There s/he is.

There s/he is.

We’re so glad to see you

We’re so glad to see you

Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo.

Or "Hello, hello"




Closing Songs and Rhymes: 

Some of the opening songs, like The More We Get Together, also work well as ending songs. There's nothing wrong with using the same song at the beginning and end of storytime!


If You’re Happy and You Know It


If you’re happy and you know it,


Clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it,

Clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it.

If you’re happy and you know it,

Clap your hands!


I'm Glad That You Were Here

I’m glad that you were here my friends,

Here my friends,

Here my friends,

I’m glad that you were here my friends.

I Thank You! 


Touch Your Nose

Touch your nose,

Touch your chin.

That’s the way

This game begins.

Touch your eyes,

Touch your knees.

Now pretend

You’re going to sneeze.

Touch your ears,

Touch your hair.

Touch your ruby lips

Right there. Blow a kiss

Touch your elbows

Where they bend.

Jump right up and say



Hands Go Up

Hands go up and hands go down.

I can turn round and round.

I can jump upon two shoes.

I can clap and so can you!

I can wave,

I’ll show you how.

Storytime is done for now.


Tickle the Clouds

Tickle the clouds.

Tickle your toes.

Turn around,

And tickle your nose.

Reach down low.

And reach up high.

Storytime’s over –

wave goodbye!



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