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Page history last edited by Ashley Pickett 12 years, 1 month ago


(that will get your group giggling!) 




Silly Tilly by Eileen Spinelli

Silly Sally by Audrey Wood  

Chickens to the Rescue by John Himmelman

Boo To a Goose by Mem Fox

I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry

Never Tease a Weasel by Jeane Conder Soule

Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman

Boogers are Blessings by Michael McDermott

Guess Again by Mac Barnett

Can You Make a Scary Face? by Jan Thomas, and other books by this author

Dog's ABCs: a Silly Story About the Alphabet by Emma Dodd

Silly Suzy Goose by Petr Horacek

Silly Little Goose by Nancy Tafuri

Such a Silly Baby by Steffanie Lorig

Here Comes the Big Mean Dust Bunny by Jan Thomas






These songs are great to do yourself if you can remember the tunes and you're good at improvising a little.

Icky Sticky and Ooey Gooey (Carole Peterson; Stinky Cake CD #10)

I Like My Hat (Carole Peterson; Stinky Cake CD #12)


Shake Your Sillies Out (Wiggles; Yummy Yummy CD #15)

One Finger One Thumb (Wiggles; You Make Me Feel Like Dancing CD)

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed


Alligator Pie






Rolie Polie Goose (www.thebestkidsbooksite.com/craftdetails.cfm?TopicID=805)

To make this bird you will need construction paper, scissors, glue, tape, and other matierals if you wish to decorate your bird futher. First take your construction paper and cut four paper strips--one long on for the body, a shorter one for the head, and to narrow ones ofr the wings. Also cut out a squared off diamond shape for the tail, some small eyes,and a triangle beak. Bend the strips of paper you cut into paper loops and tape or glue them so they stay. Next glue the small eyes and beak onto your bird's head. Take the tail shopa and fringe and curl the pointed end by cutting into it and curling the ends around the scissors. Glue or tape the tail to the back of the bird's body. Next attach the bird's head to the body and then attach the wings to either side of the body. You could add pipecleaner legs and feet to the base of the bird to help prop him up if you wish. Decorate! 


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