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Page history last edited by Ashley Pickett 13 years, 8 months ago






Pirate Girl by Cornelia Funke

How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long

Pirates Don't Change Diapers by Melinda Long 

Pirate Soup by Erica Farber (A Little Critter book) 

Peg Leg Peke by Brie Spangler

I Love My Pirate Papa by Laura Leuck 

This Little Pirate by Philemon Sturges

Sheep on a Ship by Nancy Shaw

Pirates, Ho! by Sarah Thomson

Pirate Treasure Hunt by Jan Peck

Pirate Pete's Giant Adventure by Kim Kennedy

The Castaway Pirates: a Pop-up Tale of Bad Luck, Sharp Teeth, and Stinky Toes by Ray Marshall

Pirates Don't Change Diapers by Melinda Long

The No-good Do-good Pirates by Jim Kraft




Before reading, talk about what a pirate wears and says. How do you know a pirate is a pirate? (parrot, eyepatch, jolly roger) What types of things does a pirate say? (Aye, Aye, Avast, Matey, Walk the plank, etc)


If You’re a Pirate and You Know It

If you’re a pirate and you know it, swab the deck (swish, swish)

If you’re a pirate and you know it, swab the deck (swish, swish)

If you’re a pirate and you know it, then you’ll hear the sea winds blowin’

If you’re a pirate and you know it, swab the deck (swish, swish)


Walk the plank (stomp and fall down)

Say “Aye, Aye!” (and salute)


The Pirate Sailor Song

(March in place)

What shall we do with a pirate sailor,

What shall we do with a pirate sailor,

What shall we do with a pirate sailor,

Early in the morning?


(Jump up in the air)

Hoo-ray and up she rises,

Hoo-ray and up she rises,

Hoo-ray and up she rises,

Early in the morning!




Pirate Spyglass/Telescope

Glue a piece of black paper around a paper towel tube. (It may need tape at the edges). Glue a smaller (2 inch) piece of shiny wrapping paper (any color, but gold looks best) or yellow construction paper onto one end. This can be decorated with feathers, sequins, or other materials, or left as is.  


Pirate Flags

Provide kids with paper shapes, markers, pom poms, glitter glue, etc. to decorate their own pirate flag on construction paper. Glue a large stick to the back of the paper on the left side. 



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