Charlie Cook's Favorite Book by Julia Donaldson
Reading Makes You Feel Good by Todd Parr
Read to Your Bunny by Rosemary Wells
Book! Book! Book! by Deborah Bruss
Beatrice Doesn’t Want To by Laura Numeroff
But Excuse Me, That is My Book by Lauren Child
Maisy Goes to the Library by Lucy Cousins
Lola at the Library by Anna McQuinn
Clarence the Copy Cat by Patricia Lakin
Walter’s Magic Wand by Eric Houghton
Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk
The Library Lion by Michele Knudson
Wild About Books by Judy Sierra
Baby Bear’s Books by Jane Yolen
I Took My Frog to the Library by Eric Kimmel
Five Little Readers Reading in Bed
(Tune: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed)
Five little readers reading in bed
One fell out and bumped his(her) head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"Turn out the lights, it's time to go to bed!"
Sally Go 'Round the Sun
Sally Go 'Round the Sun (move in a semi-circle)
Sally Go 'Round the Moon (reverse direction)
Sally Go 'Round the library (turn all around)
Every Afternoon- Boom! (sit down on Boom!)
Open the Book
Open the book, close the book,
Give a little clap.
Open the book, close the book,
Now lay it in your lap.
Here Is My Book
(hold hands together as if they are a closed book, then open)
Here is my book,
I open it wide,
To see all the pictures,
that are inside.
If You're Happy and You Know It
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands…
Stomp your feet…
Read a book…
Five Little Books
This can be made into a felt rhyme by using the "Book Closed" NCLS Accucut.
Five little books, sitting on a shelf.
Look inside, and see a little elf.
Four little books, all in a row.
Look inside, see it start to snow.
Three little books, sitting on the shelf.
Can you take one and read it for yourself?
Two little books, left on the pile.
Find one now and read it with a smile!
One little book, all that is there.
Found itself a reader who is happy to share.
Story Time
I stretch my fingers way up high,
until they almost reach the sky.
Then I lay them in my lap you see,
when it's Story Time at the library
(or 'when listening to stories at the Library').
Library Hokey Pokey
You put your books right in
You check your books right out
You put your books right in
And you shake it all about.
You do the "Hokey Pokey"
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about.
Library Lions
Copy lion template pieces and cut out. Copy the templates onto white paper and cut out. Use yellow pom-poms for a mane. Let kids glue pieces to yellow paper cup to make a library lion. You can also use brown paper, white cotton balls, and white or brown cups.
ABC Book
Use the "Book Lacing" NCLS Accucut to make a book. Lace it with yarn or pipe cleaners. Let kids match alphabet stickers with Accucut shapes or pictures of animals from magazines. Use stickers to write names on the front. For a simpler book, give them pictures of lions and L sticker, frogs and F sticker, bear and B sticker, etc, to remind them of the books we read.
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