Owen by Kevin Henkes
Hooray for Harry by Kim Lewis
Where’s My Teddy? by Jez Alborough
Flora’s Blanket by Deb Gliori
Blanket by Margot Apple
The Pokey Little Puppy and the Patchwork Blanket by Jean Chandler
Blanket Colors
Pause to let kids think of a color that rhymes.
I once had a blanket.
It was fluffy and new.
I once had a blanket.
And its color was______ (blue!)
I once had a blanket.
The prettiest I 've seen.
I once had a blanket.
And its color was ______ (green!)
I once had a blanket.
Soft as a pillow.
I once had a blanket.
And its color was _____ (yellow!)
I once had a blanket.
At the foot of my bed.
I once had a blanket.
And its color was _____ (red!)
Wash My Blanket
(Suit actions to words)
At breakfast time,
Milk spilled on my blanket
Oh me, oh my, oh me, oh my!
Have to wash my blanket,
And hang it out to dry.
At lunch time,
Peanut butter got on my blanket
Oh me, oh my, oh me, oh my!
Have to wash my blanket,
And hang it out to dry.
At snack time,
Banana smeared on my blanket,
Oh me, oh my, oh me, oh my!
Have to wash my blanket,
And hang it out to dry.
At dinner time,
Spaghetti sauce dripped on my blanket,
Oh me, oh my, oh me, oh my!
Have to wash my blanket,
And hang it out to dry.
At bedtime,
Cookie crumbs dropped on my blanket
Oh me, oh my, oh me, oh my!
Have to shake my blanket out,
No time to wash or dry. (Shake head "no")
I need my blanket (Pretend to hug blanket)
It's time for beddy bye! (Pretend to go to sleep)
My Blanket
My blanket is worn and in tatters (Pretend to be hugging blanket)
But none of that really matters (Shake head "no")
My blanket is faded and old (Pretend to rub blanket against cheek)
But to me it's as precious as gold. (Place hands over heart)
Beneath the blanket on his bed
(Hold arms out, shoulder high in front of body. Place right hand on left elbow, and left hand on right elbow)
Baby hides his head.
(Tuck head down into opening made by above arm position.)
Mama lifts the blanket and does coo.
(In above position, slightly lift right elbow up)
"Peek-a-boo! I see you!"
Up Baby pokes his head
(Quickly bring head up)
From under the blanket on his bed.
(Drop arms to sides)
My Cozy Quilt
Cut squares of colored or patterned paper to fit the template. Let kids glue them on to their sheet of paper.
My Cozy Quilt Template: Quilt.bmp
Blankie Bear
Use NCLS Accucut "Teddy Bear CXX-1" to cut out bears from brown paper. Let the kids color it in if you use white paper, add wiggly eyes, and/or decorate with stickers. Glue a book pocket to the bear’s belly and put in his blankie (a scrap of fabric or felt).
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