Max's bath by Rosemary Wells
Harry, the dirty dog by Gene Zion
King Bidgood's in the bathtub by Audrey Wood
Books for baby and toddler storytime:
Clifford's Bathtime by Norman Bridwell (Board)
Splash! by Roberta Grobel Intrater (Board)
Please, Puppy, Please by Spike Lee
Baby Bath(in Baby Face: A Book of Love for Baby) by Cynthia Rylant
Splash! by Flora McDonnell (Board)
Maisy Takes a Bath by Lucy Cousins
Rub a Dub Dub
Rub a dub, dub
Three men in a tub Hold up three fingers
And who do you think they be?
The butcher, the baker Point to each finger in turn
The candlestick maker.
Give them a bath, all three. Rub fingers quickly
Baby's Bath
Baby's ready for his bath.
Here's the baby's tub Make circle with arms
Here's the baby's washcloth Hold hand up, palm flat
See how he can rub. Pretend to rub face
Here's the baby's cake of soap Hold hand flat, thumb touching
And here's the towel dry,
And here's the baby's cradle Make imaginary cradle and rock it back and forth
After a Bath
Suit actions to words
After my bath, I try, try, try
To wipe myself 'til I'm dry, dry, dry.
Hands to wipe, and fingers and toes,
And two wet legs and a shiny nose.
Just think how much less time I'd take
If I were a dog, and could shake, shake, shake!
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