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Page history last edited by Virginia Tebo 14 years, 12 months ago






The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall

Ten Apples Up On Top by Theo LeSieg (Dr. Seuss)

Little Apple Goat by Caroline Church

Orange Pear Apple Bear by Emily Gravett

Tucker's Apple Dandy Day by Susan Winget 




Five Red Apples

Five red apples hanging in a tree.

The juiciest apples you ever did see!

The wind came by and gave an angry frown,

And one little apple came tumbling down.


Four red apples, hanging in a tree …


This can easily be made into a flannel set using NCLS accucuts "Apple #1" and "Tree No Leaves". Ask kids to be the wind by waving their arms and blowing - pause at that line to let them be the wind, then continue by drawing a frown on your face and removing one apple from the board.


All Around The Apple Tree

(Tune: All Around the Mulberry Bush)

Here we go round the apple tree, the apple tree, the apple tree

Here we go around the apple tree,

On a frosty morning!


Additional verses:

This is the way we climb the ladder

This is the way we pick the apples

This is the way we wash the apples

This is the way we peel the apples

This is the way we eat the apples


Ten Red Apples

Ten red apples grow on a tree

(Raise arms above head to indicate a tree)

Five for you and five for me.

(Show fingers on one hand and then the other above head)

Let us shake the tree just so

(Shake arms)

And ten red apples will fall below

(Drop hands)


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!

(Count on fingers)


Eat An Apple

Eat and apple;

(Bring right hand to mouth)

Save the core.

(Close right hand in fist)

Plant the seeds.

(Bend down and touch hand to ground)

And grow some more.

(Extend both arms out)


Way Up High In The Apple Tree

Way up high in the apple tree

Two little apples did I see

(Raise fists over head)

So I shook that tree as hard as I could

(Pretend to shake tree)

Down came the apples,

Mmmm, they were good!!!

(Rub tummy)


Apples Are Falling

(Tune: Frere Jacques)

Apples are falling, apples are falling

From the tree, from the tree.

Pick up all the apples, pick up all the apples.

One, two, three.  One, two, three.



Wormy apples

Use NCLS Accucut "Apple #1" to cut apple shapes from red paper. Punch holes around the edge. Give each child a piece of yarn about 12 inches, with tape at the end so that they can weave the “worm” through the holes. 


Apple Necklace

Cut lengths of yarn to use as the necklace. Cut straws into pieces and cut apples using NCLS Accucuts - "Apple #2" for small apples, or "Apple #1" for larger ones. Punch holes in the top of the apples. Let kids string the straws and apples onto the yarn.


Apple Tree

Cut out the pieces and color. Glue the apples onto the tree.

Template:  http://www.actionalphabet.com/f/Apple_Tree_Worksheet.pdf



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