

Page history last edited by Ashley Pickett 12 years, 6 months ago






Stellaluna by Janell Cannon

Bats at the Library by Brian Lies

Bat Jamboree by Kathi Applet

If All the Animals Came Inside by Eric Pinder





The Bat Song 

Bats are sleeping, bats are sleeping

Upside down, upside down

Waiting for the night to come,

Waiting for the night to come

Then they fly around, 

Then they fly around.


Hokey Pokey

You put your bat wing in,

You put your bat wing out.

You put your bat wing in,

and you shake it all about!

You fly the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about!


You put your bat head in...

You put your bat foot in...

You put your bat tail in...


Five Little Bats

Five little bats hanging upside down.

The first little one didn't make a sound!

The second one said "I'll fly far tonight."

The third one said "I don't like sunlight."

The fourth one said "I want to eat some bugs!"

The fifth one said "Let me give you a hug."


Five little bats hanging upside down.

Shhh! It's daytime! Don't make a sound!








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