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Pete the Cat by Eric Litwin

Whose Shoes? by Anna Grossnickle Hines

Which Shoes Would You Choose? by Betsy R. Rosenthal 

Centipede's 100 Shoes by Tony Ross 

Shoe Baby by Joyce Dunbar

Gossie by Olivier Dunrea

Jamaica and Brianna by Juanita Havill

Shoes by Elizabeth Winthrop

New Shoes, Red Shoes by Susan Rollings 

Baby Shoes by Dashka Slater

Flip Flop Bop by Matt Novak

A Pair of Red Clogs by Masako Matsuno

New Socks by Bob Shea




BOOTS (Laurie Berkner; Victor Vito CD)

Make signs and hold them up during the song:

Rain Boots

Black Boots

Brown Boots

Dancing Boots

Frog Boots


The Crazy Shakedown (Razzmatazz for Kids; Exercise Party CD) 


Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes song


Walkin' Shoes (Carole Peterson; Tiny Tunes CD)

You can listen online and see the lyrics here: http://www.macaronisoup.com/Songs/November2007.htm
It is an easy tune.  You can sing it without the recording, and make up any kind of shoes you feel like.


Nursery Rhymes:
There Was an Old Lady Who Lived In a Shoe
Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My Shoe
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around 

Diddle Diddle Dumpling

1, 2, Buckle My Shoe

1, 2, buckle my shoe (stamp foot)

3, 4, shut the door (pretend to slam door)

5, 6, pick up sticks (pretend to pick up sticks)

7, 8, lay them straight (spread out hands on floor)

9, 10, a big fat hen! (jump up and spread arms wide)


Cobbler, Cobbler

Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe

Get it done by half past two.

(Pound fists together)


Half past two is much too late!

Get it done by half past eight.

(Tap wrist or watch)


Stitch it up, and stitch it down,

And I'll give you a half a crown.

(Make sewing motions)


Cobbler, Cobbler (Version 2) 

Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe,

Get it done by half past two.


Stitch it up and stitch it down,

Make the best shoes in town.


Cobbler, Cobbler (Version 3) 

Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe,
Get it done by half past two.

'Cuz my toe is peeping through,
Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe. 

We All Wear Our Walking Shoes

(Tune: Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush; This is the way...)

We all wear our walking shoes, walking shoes, walking shoes.
We all wear our walking shoes, all day long.

Additional verses:

Stomping shoes, kicking shoes, jumping shoes, running shoes


Shoe Rhyme

Here is one foot, here are two
Both are wearing "brand new" shoes!
So you stand up, turn around,
Dance across the floor,
That's what these new shoes are for!
(You can change 'brand new' to whatever sounds fun: Ballet, mud-stomping, dinosaur, dancing, etc)

Shoe Sorting Activity

From What's the Big Idea? manual (p. 64). (www.mothergooseprograms.org) Describe what an attribute is and ask the group to sort themselves into two groups, like sneakers and not sneakers, pink shoes and not pink shoes, or laces and no laces.

Sorting a Collection: PDF of sample sorting activities (to give you a better idea of how to use this concept with pre-schoolers)


Let’s Pretend
(Have the kids get up and act out these actions)
Let’s put on tap shoes,
And tap dance to a tune.
Let’s put on anti-gravity boots,
And walk on the moon.
Let’s put on basketball shoes,
And make a 3-point shot.
Let’s put on baby booties,
And crawl like a tot.
Let’s put on cowboy boots,
And take a ride on a horse.
Let’s put on golf shoes,
And hit a ball down the course.
Let’s put on house slippers and take a seat,
After a long day, we should rest our feet! 

This is What My Shoes Can Do!
This is what my shoes can do, feet can do, feet can do.
This is what my shoes can do –
Can you do it too?

Let your shoes go hop, hop, hop; hop, hop, hop; hop, hop, hop
Let your shoes go hop, hop, hop –
All around the room.

Make your shoes go jump, jump, jump…
Make your shoes go jump, jump, jump –
All around the room.

Can your shoes go tiptoeing, tiptoeing, tiptoeing?
Can your shoes go tiptoeing –
All around the room?

Now your shoes can sit right down,…
Now your shoes can sit right down –
Quietly, please.

What Can A Puppy Do With A Shoe?
(Use a paper shoe and a dog puppet or stuffed animal. As you read the rhyme, the puppy rips up the paper shoe.)

When Booker was a puppy
He loved to chew
So Father gave him
An old brown shoe

Booker dragged that shoe
Under the couch
He held it very tightly
By the teeth in his mouth

He chewed up the leather
All round the top
Then he chewed through the heel
But he still didn’t stop

He chewed and he chewed
‘Til the shoe was a scrap
Then he gulped down the rest
And curled up to nap


Use Your Eyes

(Tune: Frere Jacques)

Use your eyes, use your eyes,
You can look, You can see.
If you have on (color) shoes,
Come up here, stand with me. 
(As long as you are all standing together, you may as well form a circle and sing Ring Around the Rosie before you sit down)

The Case of the Missing Shoe Feltboard Activity

From: http://www.gryphonhouse.com/activities/activityDetail.asp?bookid=16728&page=155 

Cut two shoes out of each color of felt. Place one blue shoe on the felt board to begin the story. Add shoes of different colors as indicated in the story. (You can also use this as a visual matching game. Hide one shoe of each color around the room in plain sight. Pass out the other shoes to the children. The children walk around the room and hunt for their matching shoe.)

It's time for school. What will I do? (blue shoe)

Please help me look for my missing shoe! (leave this shoe up on the board)


Let's look by that box of Jell-O.

Oh, it's only a shoe of ___. (children supply the missing word) (yellow shoe)


Maybe it's in the washing machine. (green shoe)

Oh, it's only a shoe of ___.


I bet the shoe is under my bed. (red shoe)

Oh, it's only a shoe of ___.


I know. It's under the bathroom sink. (pink shoe)

Oh, it's only a shoe of ___.


Maybe it's by my bowl of porridge. (orange shoe)

Oh, it's only a shoe of ___.


Perhaps it's by the maple syrup. (purple shoe)

Oh, it's only a shoe of ___.


I'll look by my brand new light. (white shoe)

Oh, it's only a shoe of ___.


It might be by my stuffed clown. (brown shoe)

Oh, it's only a shoe of ___.


I know, it's in my back pack. (black shoe)

Oh, it's only a shoe of ___.


Where, oh where could my other shoe be? (blue shoe)

Oops, it's on my foot. Silly me! (put up matching blue shoe)




Paper Lacing Shoes 

Copy the template onto heavy paper and cut out (2 per child). Use a hole punch to make holes on the template where the lace will go. Cut lengths of yarn to use as laces and let the kids decorate their shoes!

Shoe Template from the TX State Library



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