The Rain Came Down by David Shannon
Are You Ready to Play Outside? by Mo Willems
The rain stomper by Addie K. Boswell
The Searcher and Old Tree by David McPhail
Who likes rain? by Wong Herbert Yee
Rainy day! by Patricia Lakin
I love the rain! by Margaret Park Bridges
The Umbrella by Jan Brett
One rainy day by Valeri Gorbachev
Smudge by Julie Sykes
This is the rain by Lola M. Schaefer
Rain by Manya Stojic
Red Rubber Boot Day by Mary Lyn Ray
Puddles by Jonathan London
The Puddle by David McPhail
Ask “What rhymes with rain?” and let kids answer with rhyming words.
The Itsy Bitsy Spider Song
The Umbrella Draw and Tell Story (2010 Summer Reading Manual, page 91)
Rain on the Housetop Rhyme
Rain on the housetop,
Rain on the trees,
Rain on the green grass,
but not on me!
Rain is Falling
(Tune: Frere Jacques)
Rain is falling, rain is falling,
All around! All around!
Pitter-patter raindrops,
Pitter-patter raindrops,
On the ground! On the ground!
Big Round Sun
The big round sun in the springtime sky
(form large circle with arms)
Winked at a cloud that was passing by.
(wink eye)
The little cloud laughed as it scattered rain,
(flutter fingers downward)
Then out came the big round sun again.
(form large circle with arms)
5 Little Raindrops
Five little raindrops
plopping on the floor,
one plopped away,
and then there were four.
Four little raindrops
dripping on the trees,
one dripped away,
and then there were three.
Three little raindrops
splashing on my shoe,
one splashed away,
and then there were two.
Two little raindrops
starting to run,
one ran off, and
then there was one.
One little raindrop
drying in the sun,
it dried all up,
and then there were none!
During the Spring
During the Spring, it often showers
(Flutter fingers down)
Or the sun shines for many hours
(Form circle in the air with arms)
Both are good for the flowers!
(Cup elbow and extend arm like a flower)
Umbrella picture
Make umbrellas out of pipe cleaner pieces and cupcake liners folded in half. Glue them onto a piece of paper and use cotton balls to make clouds. Then use q-tips or fingers in blue paint to make rain drops.

Rainy Window Picture
This might take a little more prep work, but it is really cute!
Water Cycle Craft
Introduced how the water cycle works (in very simple terms, of course: water begins in lakes, gets warm and floats up to the sky to make clouds, and then when the clouds get too heavy, rain falls). Give kids construction paper raindrops, clouds, etc. to make their own picture of how the water cycle works.
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