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Page history last edited by Ashley Pickett 13 years, 8 months ago






Froggy Plays T-Ball by Jonathan London     

Froggy Plays Soccer by Jonathan London

Dino-Hockey by Lisa Wheeler

Dino-Soccer by Lisa Wheeler

Take Me Out to the Ball Game by Ben Nussbaum

Hooray for Fly Guy by Tedd Arnold

Dunk Skunk by Michael Rex

Miss Nelson Has a Field Day by Harry Allard

Take Me Out to the Ball Game by Jack Norwith 

Curious George at the Baseball Game by Laura Driscoll (based on H.A. Rey)

Batter Up, Wombat by Helen Lester

Andrew's Bright Blue T-Shirt by Jessica Wollman

Sergio Saves the Game by Edel Rodriguez

Jimmy's Boa and the Bungee Jump Slam Dunk by Trinka Noble

If I Were a Jungle Animal by Amanda Ellery






Take Me Out to the Ball Game song


Name the Game

Bring in as many sports balls as you can (football, baseball, soccer, golf, tennis, bowling etc.) and have the kids identify what sport they're used for. (Or print pictures to show)


This is the Way We Play T-Ball 

(Tune: Here we go Round the Mulberry Bush)

This is the way we bat the ball,

Bat the ball, bat the ball.

This is the way we bat the ball

When we play T-ball. (or baseball)

Throw the ball

Run the bases 




Soccer Ball Bag

Copy the template onto cardstock. BEFORE the craft session, cut the soccer balls out (enough so each child has 2) and punch holes around 3/4 of the outside of the soccer balls so they match evenly. Have children color and decorate their soccer balls. Next, they should lace the sides of their bag together using string. Lastly, help them make a shouder strap using string. 



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